Related S2C Complete Prototyping Solutions
Connector Connectivity
Prodigy Interconnection Module Type CConnects 144 GPIO and 4 SerDes between two Prodigy I/O connectors.The spacing between two connectors is 75mm.Available TypesReference ClockP-PM-IMCFixed 100MHzP-PM...
Multi-Debug Module Pro
The S2C Prodigy Multi-Debug Module is an innovative debug solution for FPGA prototyping. It has the ability to run deep-trace debugging on multiple FPGAs simultaneously. It can trace up-to 32K signals...
Prodigy ProtoBridge
FPGA-based prototypes closely resemble final silicon chips in speed and accuracy, providing significant value in full-chip validation and early software development. Realizing these benefits has histo...
What's New at S2C
Request for Quote
What type of chip are you designing
What is the capacity of the ASIC gate included in the design?
5 million-20 million
20 million-50 million
50 million-100 million
100 million-1 billion
More than 1 billion
Which FPGA do you prefer to use?
Xilinx VU440
Xilinx KU115
Xilinx VU19P
Xilinx VU13P
Xilinx VU9P
AMD VP1802
AMD VP1902
Intel S10-10M
Intel S10-2800
Not sure, need professional advice
What kind of FPGA configuration do you need?
Single FPGA
Four FPGAs
Eight FPGAs
Not sure, need professional advice
What kind of peripheral interface do you need?
How many prototype verification platforms do you need?
Do you need the following tools?
Segmentation tool
Multiple FPGA debugging tools
Co-modeling tool (allows large amounts of data to interact between FPGA and PC host)
When do you need to use our products?
0-6 months
6-12 months
More than 12 months
Not sure
Any additional comments?