Daniel Nenni Published on 07-03-2019 08:00 AMI recently had the opportunity to sit down with a chip designer for an AI start-up to talk about using FPGA prototyping as part of a complex silicon veri...
Daniel Nenni Published on 09-03-2018 05:00 AM FPGA Prototyping started with the advent of FPGAs in the 1980s and today it is a fast growing market segment due to increasing chip and IP complexities ...
Daniel Nenni Published on 12-06-2017 06:00 AMFPGA prototyping is very popular in modeling hardware for early system prove-out, early embedded software development, as a cost-effective and performanc...
Daniel Nenni Published on 12-01-2017 06:00 AMFPGAs have been used for ASIC prototyping since the begnining of FPGAs (1980s) allowing hardware and software designers to work in harmony developing, te...
Bernard Murphy Published on 05-01-2017 05:00 AMIt has been an article of faith in the design tools business that there's little to be gained from targeting market verticals because as far as too...
Peter Brown 26 April 2017S2C Inc. has introduced a single prodigy field programmable gate array (FPGA) logic module based on Intel’s Arria 10 1150GX FPGA.Suited for prototyping small- to me...
Bernard Murphy Published on 03-14-2017 05:00 AMUnless you've been in hibernation for a while, you probably know that a lot more chip design is happening in system companies these days. This isn&...
Daniel Nenni Published on 01-16-2017 06:00 AMHow Has FPGA Prototyping Evolved and What's Next?Toshio: FPGA prototyping has traditionally been thought of as an adjunct to emulation: something tha...
by Xilinx Employee sleibso ;01-04-2017 01:27 PM - edited;01-04-2017 05:06 PMS2C wants you to get into system prototyping with the super-capableXilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA fast,so it’s run...