
S2C Runs Half-price Sale on Prodigy Kintex UltraScale Proto Package with DDR4, GPIO Extension Modules | Xcell Daily

S2C Runs Half-price Sale on Prodigy Kintex UltraScale Proto Package with DDR4, GPIO Extension Modules | Xcell Daily Jan 05, 2017

by Xilinx Employee sleibso ;01-04-2017 01:27 PM  - edited;01-04-2017 05:06 PM

S2C wants you to get into system prototyping with the super-capableXilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA fast,so it’s running a short-term, limited-time, limited-quantity promo cutting the price of a proto package in half. You get a bundle including the company’s Single KU115 Prodigy Logic Module, the 8GbyteProdigy DDR4 Memory Module,and thethe 8Gbyte Prodigy GPIO Extension Modulefor $13,800 $6900.


Prodigy Kintex UltraScale Proto Package with DDR4, GPIO extension modules

The Kintex UltraScale KU115 FPGA is a DSP monster with 5520 DSP48E2 DSP slices, 1.451 million system logic cells, 75.9Mbits of BRAM, and 52 16.3Gbps GTH serial transceiver ports (48 of which are brought out to connectors on the S2C Prodigy Logic Module), and 832 I/O pins (656 of which are brought out to connectors on the S2C Prodigy Logic Module).

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What is the capacity of the ASIC gate included in the design?
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Which FPGA do you prefer to use?
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Xilinx KU115
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Xilinx VU9P
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AMD VP1902
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Segmentation tool
Multiple FPGA debugging tools
Co-modeling tool (allows large amounts of data to interact between FPGA and PC host)
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