
Phenomenal Cosmic Prototyping Power, Itty Bitty Package: The new S2C Single VU440 Prodigy Logic Module | Xilinx

Phenomenal Cosmic Prototyping Power, Itty Bitty Package: The new S2C Single VU440 Prodigy Logic Module | Xilinx May 18, 2015

What do you get when you put one 20nm Xilinx Virtex UltraScale VU440 All Programmable device on a prototyping board?

44M ASIC gates (4.433M logic cells)

6Mbits of internal memory

2880 DSP slices

An on-board DDR4 SODIMM socket (max capacity 8Gbytes)

1,152 I/O pins

44 16Gbps GTH serial transceivers

These are the specs for S2C’s new Single VU440 Prodigy Logic Module and here's a photo:

For the remote chance that these resources are not sufficient for your prototyping needs, you can configure 16 of these bad boys in an S2C Cloud Cube to create a multi-user prototyping environment of ginormous proportions.

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