HuayaMicro is a world-class SoC IC provider of Digital TV and Video Processing Solutions. Headquartered in Shanghai, China, HuayaMicro also has branch offices in Nanjing , Shenzhen , Taiwan and San Jose, USA with about 170 employees worldwide. With abundant industry experiences, innovative technologies and proactive business development in management, R&D and Sales & Marketing, HuayaMicro teams are experts from USA, Taiwan and China.
With the company's outstanding performance, the company ranked in 100 Private Companies Asia 2005 by Red Herring and Technology Fast 50 China 2005 and 2006 by Deloitte. Such awards are all contributed by each member in HuayaMicro family. The company's gol is to be a world-class SoC IC design company in Digital TV and Audio / Video Processing fields.
HuayaMicro's focus is on LCD TV, STB, Portable TV and Multimedian Decoder area, which are for the rapidly changing consumer market and had never designed FPGA boards for hardware validation, as their expertise is in SoC design. HuayaMicro was concerned that they would waste a lot of time designing and debugging their own FPGA prototyping system. A bigger concern was if the design didn't work, was the problem caused by the RTL design or by the FPGA prototype board itself. Assuring that these boards are manufactured correctly is a big challenge.
To avoid these risks, HuayaMicro decided to purchase commercially available FPGA prototyping products. When they evaluate potential FPGA prototyping suppliers, S2C's solutions quickly stood out with its high performance, flexibility, stability and support.
HuayaMicro uses S2C Dual Xilinx XC5VLX330 Prodigy LM and Dual Altera EP4SE820 TAI LM FPGA platforms today. They save a lot of time in developing and debugging the FPGA board. In the past, HuayaMicro only put parts of the design into the FPGA. Now, the high capacity enables them to put in much more logic for validation. When porting such large designs into the FPGA prototype, they meet some problems, especially with the Dual LX330 Prodigy LM and the Dual 820 TAI LM. These are new platforms and new software flows. S2C's support and quick response made the porting more smoothly and quickly.
HuayaMicro is seeing tremendous benefits. HuayaMicro can eliminate bugs before tapeout using FPGA prototyping and we can debug software in the FPGA platform before receiving the final silicon. This not only help improve the silicon success rate, but also help them to optimize the software/firmware. Ultimately, HuayaMicro shorten product time to market, maybe by several months in a project.
Very impressed with the stability of S2C's rapid SoC prototyping solutions
Shortened development time with S2C's rapid FPGA-based prototyping system
S2C's experienced support team was very helpful
"Today's technology continues to change and evolve and design complexity is growing rapidly. We are pleased to partner with S2C. By using their rapid SoC prototyping solutions, HuayaMicro can reliably build a TV boxes SoC prototype in a few days rather than weeks or months." said by Gong Zhengjun.
It's commendable that S2C's continuous improvement in rapid SoC prototyping. HuayaMicro had mentioned to S2C that putting a PROM on FPGA boards instead of using a daughter board (System ACE board with Dual V5 LX330) would be convenient for us. Now it can be seen that HuayaMicro can use S2C's new capability of one SD card socket in the Altera S4 and Xilinx V6 Prodigy LMs to store up to four design files at once. HuayaMicro is looking forward to building long-term cooperation with S2C and utilizing the Xilinx V7 Prodigy LM in the future.