
Inspur Uses S2C Prodigy Multi-debug Module for Simultaneous Debug of Multiple FPGAS Significantly Reducing Errors and Speeding up Debug

Inspur Uses S2C Prodigy Multi-debug Module for Simultaneous Debug of Multiple FPGAS Significantly Reducing Errors and Speeding up Debug Mar 14, 2017

San Jose, CA —— March 14, 2017 - S2C, a worldwide leader of FPGA-based prototyping solutions for today's innovative designs, announces that Inspur, a leading cloud computing total solutions provider and the fastest growing server vendor in the world, is using S2C's Prodigy Logic Modules in conjunction with its Prodigy™ Multi-Debug Module (MDM) that allows for the concurrent debug of multiple FPGAs.  The complete MDM system works within the Prodigy Player Pro cockpit to go beyond debug set up to specify trigger conditions then debug multiple FPGAs with the help of an external Prodigy MDM hardware module.  The MDM external hardware enables deep trace of the cause of bugs with the ability to store up to 16GBs of waveforms.  The high-speed Giga-Ethernet cables allow the captured data to be quickly transferred to the host computer.  The MDM captures and stores waveforms continuously removing the need to consume design FPGA memory for debug.

Highlights of this technology include:

  • Debug across 4 Logic Module boards (up to 16 FPGAs) simultaneously using a single logic analyzer

  • Trace at speeds up to 40MHz using high-speed GT transceivers

  • Trace up to 16K probes per FPGA in 8 groups of 2K probes each without re-compile

  • Store up to 16GB of waveform data externally

Inspur's Use of Prodigy MDM

Inspur is employing the Prodigy Multi-Debug Module for prototyping validation on a routing control chip.  The design consists of mass packet transmissions.  Prodigy MDM is being used to set trigger conditions and capture related packets for chip debug.  The "S2C's Prodigy Multi-Debug Module was invaluable to our chip debugging process," said Liu Kai, Senior Engineer, at Inspur. "The ability to perform deep trace easily helped to significantly speed up the debug process and get our design to market quickly with "Any design that spans across more than one FPGA introduces complications with debug especially when trying to identify and correct complex and/or deeply embedded bugs," commented Toshio Nakama, CEO of S2C. "Typical FPGA tools only allow for debugging of one FPGA at time with limited trace depth using internal memory. This task is not only painstaking but also introduces more errors as fixing one bug in an FPGA can create other design errors in another FPGAs.  The only true way to avoid this endless loop is to employ simultaneous multiple FPGA debug.  We are excited to bring this burden-easing technology to the engineering community."

About S2C

With over 200 customers and more that 800 systems installed, S2C's focus is on SoC/ASIC development to reduce the SoC design cycle. Our highly qualified engineering team and customer-centric sales force understands our users's SoC development needs. S2C systems have been deployed by leaders in consumer electronics, communications, computing, image processing, data storage, research, defense, education, automotive, medical, design services, and silicon IP.  S2C is headquartered in San Jose, CA with offices and distributors around the globe including the UK, Israel, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. For more information, visit www.s2cinc.com.

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