
S2C's Anticipated Arria 10 FPGA Prototyping Solution now Available with UniqueLlow-profile, Flexible, Durable and Portable Chassis en Closure

S2C's Anticipated Arria 10 FPGA Prototyping Solution now Available with UniqueLlow-profile, Flexible, Durable and Portable Chassis en Closure Apr 25, 2017

San Jose, CA ——April 25, 2017 - S2C Inc., a world leader in FPGA-based prototyping solutions for today's innovative designs, has announced the availability of their Arria 10 Single Prodigy FPGA Prototyping Logic Module based on Intel's Arria 10 1150GX FPGA. Ideally suited for prototyping small to medium-sized SoCs, the entire A10 Single Logic Module Chassis system is the lowest profile enclosure on the market and the only one that fits all components"FPGA board, extendable power control module, and power supply " into a single unit for maximum flexibility, durability, and portability.

The A10 Single Prodigy Logic Module is tightly integrated with S2C's market-leading, vast library of daughter cards to quickly build prototype targets. The Chassis system includes flexible extensions to securely attach accessories without increasing the physical profile of the system or intruding on other parts of the Logic Module.

Highlights of the Arria 10 Prodigy Logic Module include:

  • Low-profile chassis design, L 220mm X W 275mm X H 94mm

  • Open-concept enclosure to allow for easy access of components

  • Complete system in one chassis including, FPGA module, power control module, and power supply unit

  • Large Capacity and Scalability with 1,150K Logic Elements, 53Mbs of M20K memory, and 3,036 DSP resources and ability to connect multiple boards together for even greater capacity

  • 48 Gigabit Transceivers that can run at 16Gbps

  • 576 high-performance I/Os through 4 Prodigy Connectors that supports a variety of daughter cards

  • Low-cost parallel system integration and software development

"Designers using Intel FPGAs can now reap the benefits of FPGA prototyping with our A10 Single Prodigy Logic Module," commented Toshio Nakama, CEO of S2C. "The new and unique sleek, metal enclosure that our A10 system comes in provides much needed flexibility, durability and portability that designers seek. Users, will of course, be able to take advantage of the full set of our leading Prodigy Complete Prototyping Platform components including Player Pro and Multi-Debug Module for advanced partitioning and debug."

Availability & Resources

The A10 Prodigy Logic Module is available now. For more information, contact local sales or visit www.s2ceda.com.

About S2C

With over 200 customers, S2C's focus is on SoC/ASIC development to reduce the SoC design cycle. Our highly qualified engineering team and customer-centric sales force understands our users' SoC development needs. S2C systems have been deployed by leaders in consumer electronics, communications, computing, image processing, data storage, research, defense, education, automotive, medical, design services, and silicon IP. S2C is headquartered in San Jose, CA with offices and distributors around the globe including the UK, Israel, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. For more information, visit www.s2ceda.com.

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