
S2C Announces New Prodigy Cloud System for Next Generation SoC Prototyping

S2C Announces New Prodigy Cloud System for Next Generation SoC Prototyping Jan 01, 1970

Industry's Largest Generally Available FPGAs Speed System Validation of Complex SoC Designs Anywhere, Anytime

San Jose, CA – May 20, 2020 -  S2C, a world leader in FPGA-based prototyping solutions for accelerated SoC verification, has announced its new Prodigy Cloud System implemented with Intel’s Stratix 10 GX 10M FPGA and Xilinx’s Virtex UltraScale VU440 FPGA. S2C’s cloud based prototyping system is the logical choice for the ever more complex next generation SoC development requiring high density and scalable deployment as well as efficient productivity anywhere, anytime to shorten the validation cycle.


  • Scalable: Up to 2.5 billion logic gates over 32 FPGAs in single standard server rack; further expansion can be deployed via multiple interconnected server racks

  • Centralized: Fast deployment and easy maintenance

  • Remote access: Multi-user, multi-project management

S2C Announces New Prodigy Cloud System for Next Generation SoC Prototyping

SoC verification continues to face a relentless demand for more design operating cycles before silicon tapeout, while the cost of failure on advanced silicon nodes continues to spiral upward. More functionality, more complex test data and data types, more modes of operation, all combine to challenge the traditional verification methods of simulation, formal verification, and Emulation. Adding to the challenge is the growing requirement for early verification of hardware-dependent software, and support for multiple simultaneous users. Most advanced SoC development teams have already added FPGA prototyping to the verification mix, and prototyping has become one of the fastest growing segments of SoC design verification.

“The ability to launch a large number of design instances for FPGA prototyping, whenever and wherever it is needed, is critical for complex SoC hardware verification and software development. The Prodigy Cloud System is the product of our deep engagements with several key customers developing the latest and largest SoCs in the world.” commented Toshio Nakama, CEO of S2C.


Prodigy Cloud Systems are available today for the customer's facility or hosted by S2C. For more information, please contact your local S2C sales representative, or visit http://www.s2cinc.com/products/prodigy-cloud-system

About S2C

S2C, is a global leader of FPGA prototyping solutions for today’s innovative designs. S2C has been successfully delivering rapid SoC prototyping solutions since 2003. With over 400 customers and more than 2,500 systems installed, our highly qualified engineering team and customer-centric sales team understands our users’SoC development needs. S2C has offices and sales representatives in the US, Europe, China, Korea, Japan and Taiwan regions. For more information please visit www.s2cinc.com.

Intel and Stratix are Copyrights of Intel Corporation. Xilinx and Virtex Ultrascale are Copyrights of Xilinx Inc.

S2C, S2C logo, Prodigy and Prodigy Cloud System are trademarks or registered trademarks of S2C. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Media Contact

Valery Wang
Marketing Manager
Email: marketing@s2cinc.com

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Which FPGA do you prefer to use?
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Xilinx KU115
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AMD VP1902
Intel S10-10M
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